Thursday, June 14, 2007

It's Official! School is out! Summer is here!!!

Today was Kyleigh's last day of second grade. After school Kyleigh and I headed over to Sunsplash for a few hours to cool off...I believe it may have hit 100 degrees today...It definitly feels like summer!!!


Four peas in a pod said...

Great pics! Kyleigh looks so adorable!

100 degrees? Shoot me! :-0

Four peas in a pod said...

Looks like a fun water park! We hope you have a GREAT summer.

Ellie likes to look at the pictures of Kyleigh. And whenever we say "Aunt Barbie", she says "Baba". She'll have it perfected by the next time we see you!


Four peas in a pod said...

Does anyone know what rodrigo had to say?!?!


ps happy father's day, lee!

Four peas in a pod said...

upon further review, i think certain labels trigger an auto insert for advertising.

that sucks.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Kyleigh, I am so jealous that you are out of school while I still have another week to sweat away. Do you feel like a third grader yet? It is absolutely the best year! I am sure you will love it!